We areKarbasitech

We are a small team with an enormous passion towards our clients. Although young in age, we have shared many challenging & inspiring experiences together for nearly a decade. From startups, small businesses & bigger companies, we have been active in our efforts to bring out the products our clients imagine.


  • Websites
  • eCommerce
  • Web Applications
  • Mobile Apps (iOS & Android)
  • Platform Integrations


  • Logo Website
  • User Interface
  • Prototyping & Animation
  • Accessibility


  • Website Review
  • App Review
  • Performance Optimisation
  • SEO Optimisation
  • Ongoing Enhancements


  • Project Management
  • Website Hosting
  • Website Maintenance
  • Performance & Security
  • 3rd Party Integrations


  • Vue & React.js
  • NUXT & Next
  • Laravel
  • Wordpress
  • Woocommerce